Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Think Tank - Millbrook Winery Style, By Stacy Hudson

As the Marketing Director for Millbrook Winery, one of the most frequent questions I’m asked at the beginning of the year is, “Is it really slow up there in the winter?” As far as our visitor traffic goes, it definitely does slow down for the first couple months of the year but depending on the weather, we can still have some pretty busy weekends.

However, up in the Marketing Department there doesn’t really seem to be a slow season anymore! I vaguely recall years ago being able to organize filing cabinets and the like in the months of January and February, but that is a distant memory!

January usually brings a little time to decompress after the busy holiday season (our catch phrase for October through December!) but we mainly use this month to catch up on tracking our marketing efforts from the prior year. Late January through March brings us into planning for the upcoming year. For the past month and a half we have been having weekly marathon planning sessions. As we tend to get busier and have less time to meet as the year progresses, these beginning of the year meetings are a great way for us to brainstorm all the thoughts and plans we would like to implement at the winery.

Including our General Manager, our ‘Sales & Marketing’ team is 5 people strong. Although we all have a different focus (outside sales, direct to consumer sales, Tasting Room management) our core goal of always improving on what we are doing here at Millbrook Winery is our driving force. After twelve years at the winery, I think it is a testament to this place and our dedicated and creative group that I still get energized and excited about all the plans we are working on for 2010 and beyond. Stay tuned….

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